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Radiation risk 'less significant'

"Air pollution may be a bigger risk to health than exposure to radiation, such as that after the Chernobyl disaster, a study suggests."

Category: Radiation, Transport


EU fuel push 'may damage forests'

"Oil firms have warned that European Union plans on biofuels could damage the world's rainforests."


Fuels of the future

"'We are on the threshold of a major change and this is going to be very expensive', says the GM boss "


Spanish cars to use different type of juice

"The orange groves of Valencia could soon be powering Spanish cars as a new technology is developed to turn the fruit's thick, shiny peel into biofuel."


Cleaning up the Big Smoke: Livingstone plans to cut carbon emissions by 60%

"· Londoners given 20-year target to go green · Flights could drastically affect success of campaign"

Displaying results 336 to 340 out of 341